Some Save the Dates You Don’t Want to Miss!

St.Ann Eucharist Procession

Here’s a heads up on some important dates and feast days you don’t want to miss at the Catholic Church of Jennings County.

The highlight of the month is our beautiful Eucharistic Procession and Feast Day Celebration at St. Ann Church on July 23.

The day marks the celebration of the Parish Eucharistic Revival and the celebration of the St. Ann feast day. St. Ann is the patron saint of the parish. The current church building has stood since 1866.

However, in 1835 Catholics in the area worshipped in a log cabin church with visiting priests administering the sacraments. In 1846, St. Ann received its first resident pastor, Fr. Apponse Munschina. There have been 49 priests who have served the community since its founding.

Get our recent Calendar here.

Download St. Ann’s Feast Day Celebration flyer here. St. Ann