Get the Memo of Events at CCJC!

Get our CCJC Memo that has Save the Dates and inspiration. The archdiocese just had an amazing National Eucharistic Congress and a Catholic literary magazine is bringing back beautiful artwork in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It’s all in The CCJC Memo! Click on the image or  Get the PDF HERE

The Amazing Place St. Mary Magdalene Lived Her Last Days

We all know St. Mary Magdalene – this saint of the Resurrection, the first person Christ appeared to at His tomb, and the woman who challenged an emperor with an egg that turned red. The life of St. Mary Magdalene is astonishing, debated, and revered. There’s also an amazing place in the hills of France where she was buried and … Read More

Seminarian Noah Sherman is Featured in our CCJC Memo!

The CCJC Memo is out! It features our seminarian Noah Sherman. As always you can download the PDF HERE or click on the image. Also, there’s still time to listen or watch the National Eucharistic Congress events.  Relevant Radio is airing the Family Rosary Across America each morning at the Congress at 8 a.m.  Most live events are also covered. … Read More

Seminarian Aidan Hauersperger is Our Seminarian of the Week in our CCJC Memo!

We are blessed to have four seminarians from our Jennings County parishes. This summer we are doing a brief introduction of all them and what they are learning in seminary. This week we feature Aidan Hauersperger. As always there’s also some Save the Dates for upcoming events, such as the Seminarian Bake Sale on July 20. Click on the image … Read More

A Special Rome Edition! See Photos from Fr. Byrd’s Recent Pilgrimage!

We’ve all heard the saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” but did you know it comes from a Catholic saint and was tied to a fasting controversy? St. Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, is credited with uttering the expression to his friend St. Augustine in the fourth century. In Milan, the Catholics didn’t fast on Saturday’s like … Read More