Rosary Society
The Rosary Society of St. Joseph Catholic Church in North Vernon meets to pray the rosary, serve the Lord, host bazaars, bake sales for seminarians, and more! It is part of the Catholic Churches of Jennings County!
The Rosary Society meets on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on the following dates for 2025:
March 11 | May 13 | July 8 | September 9 | November 11
The Rosary Society meets on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on the following dates for 2025:
March 11 | May 13 | July 8 | September 9 | November 11
Other Upcoming Events
- February All Month Baby Shower. Get the list of items needed.
- March 8: Women's Lenten Retreat. Get the details!
- March 15: Feast of St. Joseph Pasta Meal
- April 26: 19th Annual Four Corners Craft and Garden Show, featuring the "From Our Gardens to Yours" plant sale.
- May 18: Mother-Daughter Banquet
- November 8: 44th annual St. Joseph Rosary Society Craft Bazaar
List of officers for 2025
- Martha Barber - Co-president
- Brooke Maschino - Co-president
- Sherri Maschino – Treasurer
- Cari Hauersperger - Secretary

Got Questions?
Email us at:
[email protected]
[email protected]