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Jennings County Young Catholics (JCYC) is a young adult ministry group for parishioners, aged 18 –35, of St. Ann, St. Joseph, and St. Mary’s. JCYC is dedicated to giving Catholic young adults in the Jennings County area opportunities for faith, fellowship, and service. Our mission is to maintain and strengthen the faith of our young adults and encourage active participation and leadership within their parish communities. We can be contacted via email at: JCYoungCatholics@gmail.com and be sure to join JCYC on Facebook!

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Catholic Chat is another program we have for young adults.  Catholic Chat is Jennings County’s version of “Theology on Tap.” It is a young adult series hosted in the summer, providing young adults a forum to learn about Catholic faith and traditions, timely topics unique to young adults’ place in life, and a social setting to meet fellow young Catholics on their religious journey.

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